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Streifen für Startseite (SONGBIRD_BASICS

Basics course

Musically spontaneous and confident help shape

At the heart of the  What is happening  Playing with leadsheets -  that is, concrete musical templates.


We go into musical  Situations as you know them and experience them again and again. In doing so, we open a room in  to the  we quasi in slow motion and with that  Watch the magnifying glass exactly what it is about.


So you learn to feel natural and carefree with others within musical  Processes  to move and  playfully develop the ability to make music in a shared context with ease and joy.


material  there is enough available - but you are welcome to bring your own lead sheets of songs or songs that you like to play.

How it is possible to play together without given content can also be discussed in the further course of the course  be thematized.


  • how do I get into a song?

  • Understand lead sheets

  • Recognize chords (especially extensions like 7, maj7, sus, add, diminished, etc.)

  • Transpose key and chords (with and without capo)


  • Rhythm (groove or swing? Odd bar forms)

  • find another voice to go with the melody

  • improvise using lead sheets

  • "musical commitment"

  • everything else that interests you ...


The course is aimed at players of all instruments - with and without  Knowledge of grades.

Try to find out before our meeting what you are specifically interested in, what questions you have and what you would like to develop personally.  Your learning steps will be bigger and more extensive, the more precisely you formulate your concern.

A meeting lasts - depending on what happens - about 90 minutes.

Cost per time

regular 60.-

Low wage earners 40.-

The workshop takes place with 4 or more registrations.

Maximum number of participants: 6





Musicians coaching


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